RoboVPS - интернет решения высокого качества
What is ChatGPT and how to use it from "forbidden" countries
ChatGPT is an innovative software that uses artificial intelligence and deep learning technologies to automatically generate text responses in chat mode for communication with users. Its use has great potential in various
3-05-2023, 23:59
How to organize a backup of your data to FTP storage
As you know, RoboVPS offers an FTP data storage service. In this article we will show an example of using our FTP storage to host backups of your server. Important - it is not necessary to use a traditional FTP client to transfer
3-02-2022, 12:02
Windows VPS
VPS server is connected to the Internet on high speed and reliable upstream and available for all the Internet users 24x7. You can connect to your server using standard Windows RDP client or using VNC client. You can use on you
3-02-2022, 11:46
Own OpenVPN server in Germany
Openvpn is a VPN server distributed free of charge. It allows the creation of encrypted point-to-point or server-to-client channels between computers. It also allows you to establish connections between computers behind a NAT and
3-02-2022, 06:54
VPS for MikroTik (RouterOS)
RouterOS is an operating system for routers of the MikroTik family. RouterOS can be installed on a virtual or dedicated server running Linux. A regular VPS/VDS with minimal resources is enough. In this article, we will cover
3-02-2022, 06:50
WireGuard VPN on VPS
WireGuard VPN is an innovative and powerful VPN tunneling protocol that uses advanced encryption algorithms to create reliable and secure connections. This protocol is specifically designed to provide high performance and
3-02-2022, 05:56
Working with ISO images at Virtual Servers
Information about how you can upload and use your own ISO images.
25-06-2021, 20:57
What is VPS? What is dedicated server? How i could use them?
What is VPS server? This is termin which mean Virtual Private Server. Virtual server work in virtualised envinronment and used widely to provide customers with cheap and good alternative of dedicated server. Virtualization help
14-09-2019, 14:06
Windows dedicated servers
Dedicated server is specially designed computer installed in data-center, powered on and connected to the Internet on high speed and reliable upstream and available for all the Internet users 24x7. You can connect to your server
24-06-2019, 16:55
Django VPS in Germany
Django - is opensource framework for Python used MVC template projects. Project support by Django Software Foundation. Django site recommended to be created based on separate application which can be connected/disconnected. This
24-06-2019, 15:54